Many early adopt smartphone technology are blown away by the Palm Pre. This is a showcase smartphone technology, and many of these same early adopters praised its harsh feel and elegant presentation
Fast forward to today: the Android and iPhone now dominate the smartphone arena, and the webOS is lagging behind in this field, some seriously. HP's new touchpad, however, the tablet that uses a new, restored version of webOS, which promises to be the right candidate for the Android operating system. Is it a viable candidate for webOS Android in tablet arena?
For the most part - yes! WebOS interface is very slick and smooth, and has the same response to Palm Pre those years. Many of the problems that earlier versions of the webOS, such as unstable multitasking, are eliminated in this latest incarnation of the operating system.
operating system also feels highly optimized for the tablet form factor, a problem that continues to plague Android tablet running 2.1 or 2.2 (although to be fair, Google announced that they are free versions are not intended for use tablets). It is, however, go very well against the Honeycomb, Google's own Android version designed for tablets, two operating systems are more or less neck and neck in terms of speed, I feel the use, and overall usability
.Where webOS will have a problem, however, the number of applications for the platform. Android's app directory blowing away webOS "app directory, at the end of counting, Android is about the numbers expanded to hundreds of thousands, while the webOS" numbers are in the tens of thousands. This is caused by a lack of lack of adoption of the surrounding webOS, true, but the deficit that will need faced by anyone looking to buy a webOS-based tablet in the future. Quite simply, the sheer amount of free applications are available to add great value to the operating system.
This is not an insurmountable advantage. Android had the same problem when it squares off against IOS. webOS is a very versatile system, and with little effort and savvy marketing of HP and other webOS supporters might have shaken some of the developers on their side. It is, however, a problem that webOS community needs to tackle wise, at this point webOS is so chock-full of applications and users do not know
.In addition, webOS is a pretty decent candidate for Android. HP TouchPad seems to be a pretty strong candidate and a great showcase webOS operating system itself. If you can boost webOS app count and gain some market share, they could be a viable third Tablet OS to enter into conflict, at this point, however, Android held a slight advantage. If we had to declare a winner, we would be free to crown - for now at least
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