Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Ten Great Free Android Weather Apps

There are hundreds of great free Android apps is time that more than make up for the lack of paid time applications on the Android market. The fact that there is more free Android application time is a great thing for those of us who like to thoroughly review it before you select an application to be part of our permanent collection. This list is pretty diverse one with many different specialties. Here are the ten best free Android apps time around.




imap Time:

This application provides radar images and forecasts. Also provide a detailed current weather conditions (for domestic and international locations). If you decide to check out the weather app, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the big picture!

Moon Phase

is very simple free Android weather app developed by Udell Enterprises, Inc, it clearly shows the individual phases of the moon for a given data. Although this app lacks some additional extras to make it truly spectacular, does exactly what it promises very effectively.

blizzard time allowance

This is another very specific free Android weather app. Blizzard makes forecasts regarding the snow storm outside. If you're like me and you live in snow country, this is definitely the app I would recommend for when you're out and about during the snow season.

Radar now!

If you want an app that visually displays the current time through the radar, radar now! Is your best free Android app option. Easy and fast, Radar now! gives you what you need without any hassle.

This is a GPS-based app weather and great for getting the world forecasts. As you might have guessed, this app was developed by the same people behind, so you'll be sure to get accurate and reliable, and that this app will be better!

Weather Widget - Free

Although the wage version of free Android weather app, this remains to be very convenient provides fast and reliable weather. This is one time application that will do just about anything for you. Believe me, this app will be a great addition to your Android phone. In order to improve this application, available Weather forecast widget addon , another free app that does just what it says. If you try to time the widget as it is, download free weather forecast addon, and you'll have a winning combination!


Another great free Android weather app that provides local weather updates and just about anything else you would like to know about the general vrijeme.Ažuriranja accurate and add-ons (including maps and videos) are amazing. This is one of the few free Android apps that are out there in a league of its own.

Weather Channel

Simply the best free Android weather app available in the Android Market, it is also the most popular free app in the time category. Official Weather Channel app provides weather updates straight from one of the most respected sources of time. You can set the default to get regular updates without doing anything drugo.Posljednja thing I'll say about this app:. You should download this app for Android phone

iPad Vs Android: What's The Best Tablet?

Welcome to the technology wars. Whenever something new on the market not long before everyone has a version of it. Choosing the best that he should not be predicated on the bells and whistles, but the performance, price, features and functionality. Read about side by side comparison of the iPad and Android in the region.

Version: If the truth is told that both perform extremely well. The primary functions are the same. So what if the iPad has no camera or USB port. It also does not support Flash, which is an important feature of their browser Safari. With the IPAD can not do YouTube, the more damage. Performance in all areas that are counted are related.

Price: If you are buying applications that are fun, then Android is the way to ići.Najbolji part about Android is that all applications are free source applications. This means that you can tinker with and improve on any app to have. It is not so with the iPad. Their applications are very property.

Options: If you like Android is probably due to the different opportunities that are offered. There are several versions on the market, as well IPAD IPAD. This is all well and good, but Apple is a hardware master. Let's face it software (Google Forte) comes and goes, but the hardware is good. This is the power of Apple as far as the number one brand name in hardware via Google.

is the fact that for the average user of any pads on the market will do in a pinch. Which begs the question is always better? Really, there are applications for everything from Android and that just might be her pad.Brzine with which these applications are activated, but because of the eruption in obitelji.Cijena these seemingly innocent application for Android can add up very quickly. This is a problem iPad does.

Apple iPad is a top seller in the world, but Google is giving it a run for their money. With all the different pads work with different operating systems they are going to steal a lot of the IPAD grmljavina.Jedina thing that really bring down the apple that was on AT & T mreži.Neto work is known for its spotty and erratic service.

Buy what you like and what you can afford, but for a more continuous service Android winds hands down. Keep in mind, if Apple had gone with another service, but AT & T will be unstoppable.

Top 5 Best Android Apps of August

Because of the enormous potential of the open source Google OS has a bunch of applications the publication of everyday life. It is difficult to choose the best Android apps from this repository. Month of August was a very productive month as compared to Android applications, as well as many popular developers published different applications. Below is the final list of the top Android apps based on my experience. Remember that it is difficult to present a list of the best applications for Android, because it depends on the individual, as well as the functionality of this program has to offer.

# 1 Torrents client for Android: Transdroid application allows you to easily manage and torrents on Android phones. You can also download torrents remotely. Torrents are popular among the people to download the latest songs, music, programs, etc. Transdroid app for Android can manage torrents via RSS, URL's. This is one of the best android app for August 2010.

# 2 Universal 1-Click roots: General 1 Click on the root of the root of your Android smartphone with a few simple clicks. Rooting your Android smartphone is very important because it offers dozens of untapped functionality. In addition, you can try different Android applications that are specifically made ​​for Android phones. Universal one-click root android app gives you root access to dozens of Android phone.

# 3 PowerBoot Android app: PowerBoot app allows you to schedule restart your android phone in certain time intervals. We tended to Windows when you consider that the system is slow or not performing as it once was. The same thing can happen to your Android phone as well, powerboot allows you to do it with just a few simple clicks. Currently, repeating again is not supported, but I hope to see in the next version.

# 4 pockets agent app: Pocket agent app for Android is one of the most useful Android apps if you are taking or driving. Similar to auto reply in Gmail or other popular email service, it sends an automatic SMS message to the caller while you are driving a car or busy. This is very useful if you drive a car or in the middle of something.

# 5 unrevoked app: unrevoked provides 1-click root Android Smartphone (HTC models). Rooting your Android smartphone is extremely important to get control over the phone. Recently unrevoked 3.2 is released, offering more cheered on the phone (this version is currently on hold due to some unknown bug Evo users ).

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Զրոյական արժեքը եւ լավագույն Android apps ֆինանսներ


Այս պաշտոնը revolves շուրջ աներեւակայելի մեծ Android ծրագրեր առանց ծախսերի ֆինանսավորման. Ինչ կարելի է վերցնել ֆինանսավորվող ծրագրեր, եւ ինչպես կարող են աջակցություն. Ի դեպ, կարճ է, բոլոր շրջապատող պատասխանը `բոլոր Android դիմումները ուշադրության կենտրոնում գումար, եւ եթե նրանք դիմեն, ապա թույլ է տալիս Ձեզ պահել որոշակի գումար


նշված են այստեղ: Մի քանի ազատ եւ լավագույն Android apps, որը թույլ է տալիս Ձեզ ֆինանսական


Մեջբերում Pro


Ձեր Հաշվիչ համար TradeFields

Սա կատարվում պատշաճ չի գործում, որպես հիշեցում նրանց համար, ովքեր ցանկանում են հաշվիչ (կամ ցանկությունները) մեկ. Դուք կարող եք գտնել 100s դիմումի հիման վրա վերեւում հաշվիչ հասանելի է այն լավագույն. Ինչու? Ինձ համար դա շատ օգտակար միջավայրի եւ, իրոք, հեշտ է օգտագործել.


այս դիմումը, կարելի է կատարել բոլոր նման բաները սովորաբար արվում են PayPal: Բայց այս անգամ, համաձայն եղան ավելի է ապրանքը, երբ այն իսկապես թույլ է տալիս, կարող եք աջակցել արագությունը առաքման. Հավատացեք ինձ, անմիջապես հետո դուք այս ծրագիրը մի քիչ, այն իսկապես գեղեցիկ է, պարզապես պետք է օգտվել PayPal-24 / 7


: Այս անվճար դիմումների, ստեղծում Pocketools, մենք կարող ենք առաջարկել, հատկապես uncomplicated արժույթը հաշվիչ շատ հիմնական Օգտվողի միջերեսը.






համար այն օգտվողների հետ, Google-ի ֆինանսների, եւ դու ստացել է ջեմ - լեցուն մինչեւ պորտֆելի, այս ծրագիրը լինելու է «խաղի changer», քանի որ դա ամբողջովին Սինխրոն, եւ Ձեզ հնարավորություն է տալիս մուտք գործել ամեն բան, դուք էլ, երբ Դուք Ձեր ընտանիքի համակարգիչը.

, որպեսզի PageOnce Անձնական ֆինանսներ

: Սա կարող է լինել Awesome Android apps նրանց համար, ովքեր ունեն շատ բանկային / վարկային քարտ օրինագծերն ու ներուժը պետք է մի դիրքորոշում է ամենաբարձր նրանց հետ հեշտ օգտագործման աղբյուրը:


: Սա թույլ է տալիս Ձեզ ավելացնել շատ տարբեր տեսակի հաշիվների (ստուգման, վարկային, խնայողական, եւ մեկ այլ յուրաքանչյուր տեսակների) Հայաստանի կառավարիչ, ժամանակացույցով եւ վերահսկել կրկնվող վճարումների, կա բյուջեն (կարճաժամկետ, երկարատեւ կամ նույնիսկ դրված է «նախագիծ» որ կլինի մեծ է տոների) եւ ֆիլտրում է տեսակի տվյալներ եք ուզում հաշվի առնել ժամանակ նորմալ դիտելու, թե երբ եք գտնել մոտ մեկ մի շարք ակնարկներ չկան.

Ինչպես Android Հեռախոս Լրտեսական Ծրագրային ապահովման գործում.

Android հեռախոս լրտես կիրառման լրտեսական պատասխաններ են հեռախոսով խնդիրներ ունեք. Արդյոք նա պետք է այլ PERFUMY հոտ է գալիս տուն. Դա կոչվում է մեկ այլ անուն, երբ ... նրանք միասին քնում.

Կարծում եք, որ խաբում. Կամ էլ դու ուղղակի paranoid?

Ոչ, դու ոչ թե paranoid, Դուք իրավունք ունեք պատճառներ ենթադրելու, որ նա «աշխատում է», մեկ այլ անձի strani.Jedini խնդիրը հիմա է ապացուցել.

իրավունք ունեն լրտեսական վրա լուծման եք potrebno.Telefon Android լրտեսական.

Քանի դեռ ձեր հեռախոսի գործընկեր օգտագործում Android օպերացիոն համակարգ, ինչպես, օրինակ HTC Droid անհավանական, Nexus One, Verizon Droid, MyTouch 3G, Motorola somersaults, եւ այլ անհավատալի հնչի, չկա ոչ մի կերպ նա չի կարող ստանալ հեռու է խաբում երբեւէ կրկին.

Android Լրտեսական հեռախոսի բեռնել հայտերի համար, Android Android լրտեսական հեռախոսի միջեւ, օգտագործելով նաեւ Android զննարկիչը. Անմիջապես, լրտես դիմումները կսկսվի ձայնագրման հեռախոսազանգ տեղեկամատյանները, տեքստային հաղորդագրությունների, GPS եւ գտնվելու վայրը. Բոլոր տվյալները կգրանցվի առցանց račun.Aktivnosti բեռնված կլինի տեսանելի են գրեթե իրական ժամանակում եւ դուք կարող եք տեսնել վերջնական գաղտագողի լրտեսական Androis, քանի որ հեռախոսը նախատեսված մասնավոր (պես իրական կյանքում լրտեսներ ).

հետ, Android լրտես հեռախոսը պատշաճ կերպով տեղադրվում է հեռախոսի, կարող եք այժմ լրտեսական, մոնիտորինգի եւ կմնա, եթե դա իրենց ժամանցի հարմարավետության. Դուք կարող եք ստուգել նրա զանգահարել պատմությունը եւ տեսնել, ընթացիկ, եւ նույնիսկ ջնջված տեքստային հաղորդագրություններ անընդմեջ վերեւում մատները եւ ամենամեծ գաղտնի

թիվ 1 պատճառը, քանի որ նրանք զգում, որ իրենց խաբել cheaters թույլ antics չի բռնել է բաց: Եվ եթե դուք դիմակայելու նրանց, առանց ապացույց, նրանք պարզապես հրաժարվում են:

Որն է լավագույն Android դեղահատ

Երբ ընտրելուց Android դեղահատ Առաջին բանը անել, թե ինչ կլինի հիմնական առանձնահատկությունն է հուշատախտակ: Ես գիտեմ, որ մարդկանց մեծ մասը կասի եմ ուզում, բայց եթե Ձեր բյուջեն սահմանափակ է, եւ եթե դուք չեք ցանկանում ծախսել $ 600 - ի թույն Android ԴԱՐ դեղահատ, ապա դուք պետք է որոշ որոշումներ:

Samsung 10.1 թերեւս ամենամոտն բանը, դուք, որ փորձ է iPad Android հարթակ. Խելացի, նորաձեւ եւ շատ գերի ցուցադրման, Samsung մեծ գնել մարդկանց համար, ովքեր գիտակցում արժեքը եւ ցանկանում մեծ դեղահատ փորձ. Էկրանին է սուր, եւ ամբողջ քնի նմուշի չափազանց լավ է զգում, երբ դուք օգտվում. Այն նաեւ մեծ վերաբերվել ֆիլմեր դիտելու վրա, 10.1 - մատնաչափ էկրանին, եւ ունի շատ հեշտությամբ ձեւաչափերով. Սակայն բացակայությունը USB պորտին կարող են հարձակվել բոլոր Windows օգտվողները տեղափոխվելու Android. Սա ԱԺ պատգամավոր 2 տեսախցիկ, որը թիկունքի 3 պատգամավոր տեսախցիկը.

Ստորեւ ցանկը է Motorola Xoom, որն արդեն շուրջ, իսկ առաջին հաբ, որ Android 3.0 կամ բջիջ օպերացիոն համակարգը: Այն նաեւ ունի 5 պատգամավոր տեսախցիկ, առջեւի եւ հետեւի 2 պատգամավոր խցիկ տանել իսկապես սուր նկարները Tablet ստանդարտ. Նա նաեւ ուներ աջակցություն 4G եւ 10 ժամ մարտկոցի որն իսկապես հզոր գործիք է.

Asus Eee պահոցում Տրանսֆորմատորային TF101 նաեւ մեծ արդյունք, քանի որ սա շարժական նավահանգիստը, որը թույլ է տալիս Ձեզ պետք է միացված է ստեղնաշարի եւ օգտագործել այն որպես համակարգչի վրա այդ քայլը: Սա Nvidia Tegra DUAL CORE 2 պրոցեսորների, որը չի կարող իր USP, ինչպես նաեւ մի շարք այլ Ցուցանակներ օգտագործում են նաեւ նույն CPU ուժը ձեր strojeva.Izrazitu առավելությունն այն գինը, որ £ 429, այդ թվում `ստեղնաշարի նավահանգիստը.

հաջորդ շարքը է A1CS X220 Tablet գալիս հետ 2 USB նավահանգիստներից եւ microSD բլոկը, ինչը նշանակում է, որ Samsung չէ 10.1, որն ունենալով USB պորտին. Դա 1GHz ARM11 պրոցեսոր եւ գալիս հետ 32 ընդլայնելու պահեստավորման եւ 512 ՄԲ ներքին memorije.Tablet A1CS X220 գալիս հետ 3G աջակցության միջոցով Wi-Fi, որը պակաս է Motorola Xoom ոչ. Սակայն £ 154,49 դուք մի շատ հնարավորություններ, եւ սա ինչ է սա մեծ սկսած Android դեղահատ:

Top Droid Apps Music

With so many different ways to have fun, some just want to relax and listen to your favorite songs on Android devices. Nonetheless, there are plenty of droids applications that can deliver devices with millions of songs for free or otherwise. Whether it is internet radio, music streaming, music player or better is required for one's smartphone, here is some of the best music applications available. Keep in mind that not all Android apps are available for each device with respect to the OS version that is installed. Double check before downloading.

Internet radio is nothing new, but it was always a great way to listen to new and old songs just by entering the artist name, song, or even genre. Last FM and Pandora are the two best applications droids people can download and is available on every version of Android. However, not all options for both applications are open to users using Android 1.5 or 1.6. Check the device to check which version is installed.

If you're downloading an unlimited number of songs sounds awesome, the Rhapsody music service that does exactly that. For only $ 9 months, listeners have access to millions of songs and can download them to your device of choice with ease. Apple's iTunes does not have that kind of service! Although users would not keep their songs without paying extra, it's still a great way to listen to full songs before buying.

TuneWiki is a social music application that enables users to share and comment on what you listening to right now. This is not a service like Last.FM internet radio, but it's a great way for someone to declare his love for Lady Gaga or who listen. In addition, Droid app also provides texts for audiophiles who like to sing a long while playing MP3 from their device.

Ever wanted to play a new song into a ringtone? With Ringdroid, any song can become a ring with just a few taps on the screen. Just select how long that part, and what effects to use and it's ready to go. People can also be done with the audio from movies, TV shows, and even video games (as long as the audio in a supported format ).

To find the droids applications and more, just go to the Android Marketplace or the publisher's website to download them. Last.FM, Pandora and Rhapsody account required to be made ​​in order to use applications. However, it is quick and painless process. They do this to save your favorite songs, playlists, and (in the case of Rhapsody) payments. Listening to and downloading music has never been easier or more accessible than it is today. Although it still costs a few cents (legally) to keep track of people like, it's still wonderful to listen to full songs for free instead of only getting 30 seconds of bliss before paying $ 0.99 pop.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

5 Best Android Tablet Games of 2011

Postoji još tableta igara dostupnih na tržištu android App i to je samo jedan klik daleko ili pritisnite otkriti ako se može mjeriti do junaštvo od igara gore. Ono što je najbolje za druge svibanj ne biti najbolje za vas, ali na gore navedenom popisu je pokušao i testiran od strane većine. Ne morate odgovarati, ali prije nego što drugi misli, pokušajte igre na prvom mjestu. Vi samo možda ćete biti iznenađeni.


Postoji još tableta igara dostupnih na tržištu android App i to je samo jedan klik daleko ili pritisnite otkriti ako se može mjeriti do junaštvo od igara gore. Ono što je najbolje za druge svibanj ne biti najbolje za vas, ali na gore navedenom popisu je pokušao i testiran od strane većine. Ne morate odgovarati, ali prije nego što drugi misli, pokušajte igre na prvom mjestu. Vi samo možda ćete biti iznenađeni.


1 Angry Birds

and download the most popular game in the history of Android is angry birds. In this game, birds are angry because they are green pigs steal the eggs. Thus, they seek revenge by destroying pigs hiding the belt shot. Imagination-wise, Angry Birds is the most educational game because pills had turned the world of physics in a very boring and addictive igra.Bonus amazing thing is that you can get this game for free in Android Market.

2 Honeycomb Ping Pong

like table tennis in high school? You should not be a physical platform for playing these games now, because Ping Pong is already reached screens Android tableta.Saće Ping pong is actually an improved version of the classic game with two rackets and a ball bouncing between them. This game is available in four different ways, namely, one game, two players, Wi-Fi play and eventually, online game.

like table tennis in high school? You should not be a physical platform for playing these games now, because Ping Pong is already reached screens Android tableta.Saće Ping pong is actually an improved version of the classic game with two rackets and a ball bouncing between them. This game is available in four different ways, namely, one game, two players, Wi-Fi play and eventually, online game.


In one mode, you play against the tablet. It comes with four levels of difficulty, from easy to medium difficult and stručnjaka.Dva player mode, on the other hand, allows one to play with a man other player on the same tablet. The third mode, Wi-Fi game, uses Wi-Fi feature to play against each other tablets in your wireless zone. The last mode, online game, allows you to play against other players around the world, if you can not find someone to play your wireless zone. This game has been downloaded in the App Market for only $ 0.99.

In one mode, you play against the tablet. It comes with four levels of difficulty, from easy to medium difficult and stručnjaka.Dva player mode, on the other hand, allows one to play with a man other player on the same tablet. The third mode, Wi-Fi game, uses Wi-Fi feature to play against each other tablets in your wireless zone. The last mode, online game, allows you to play against other players around the world, if you can not find someone to play your wireless zone. This game has been downloaded in the App Market for only $ 0.99.


In one mode, you play against the tablet. It comes with four levels of difficulty, from easy to medium difficult and stručnjaka.Dva player mode, on the other hand, allows one to play with a man other player on the same tablet. The third mode, Wi-Fi game, uses Wi-Fi feature to play against each other tablets in your wireless zone. The last mode, online game, allows you to play against other players around the world, if you can not find someone to play your wireless zone. This game has been downloaded in the App Market for only $ 0.99.


Your favorite free racing game is finally available in tablets. Check your speed and improved the game screen space makes turning and swerving is definitely a joy. This game, developed by Electronic Arts, is also available in other gaming platforms.

5 X Construction Lite

Ever dreamed of becoming a civil engineer one day? Now you can build whatever you want in your Android tableta.Izgradnja X Lite is a simple, yet fun and addictive game is in the gaming ladder today. In its first week of release, it garnered 250,000 downloads. No wonder that this game is considered one of the best.

There are tablets games available on the Android App Market, and it is just a click away, or press to discover if they can match the prowess of the games above. What is best for others May not be best for you, but the above list is tried and tested by the majority. I do not have to answer, but before a second thought, try the game first. You just might be surprised.

5 Android Tablet Apps for Making Free Phone Calls

Android offers a wide variety of applications, and among them are the ones that make free phone calls. Communication is really important part of life, and fortunately, technology has made it easier for you to connect with others at no cost. Here are some free applications that not only that:

1 Google Voice

1 Google Voice


2 Fring

A new version of Android Fring is a brand new profile display and a new look at the list prijatelja.Dialer was added. This makes Fring appealing to users, but its ability to perform poziva.Ažurirani Buddy List has now made more comfortable. It displays your buddy picture and mood of the line,. The same applies to call the

You can also personalize your profile by adding pictures and editing your mood to your friend know how you feel. You can also add your e-mail address and telephone number.

Also, the new Android Fring enables better communication experience through her ​​voice enhancements and bug fixes.

3 Skype

New Android Skype is quite similar to the iPhone version. When you sign up, just could not see who of your contacts are online. You can send messages and make calls via Wi-Fi or 3G connection standard.

Call quality is pretty clear. There might be cases when the relationship rebounds, but all in all, the experience was pleasant.

Skype looks fantastic physically. Navigation is simple and the menus are colorful and sharp.

4 Guava

S guava, you can make free calls to any U.S. number with Google Voice and Gizmo5 account. Also, guava allows you to receive calls to your Google Voice number, provided that you have an Internet connection. You can also send SMS messages to U.S. phones with this application.

5 Viber for Android beta

Viber allows you to call Viber users over 3G and Wi-Fi connection. This application also allows free text messages. With Viber, you can have unlimited calls and SMS to any user on any Viber Android or iPhone.

Viber Android version is said to have unique features such as call display and full of pop-up text message alerts. Also, you can set as the default dialer Viber.

If you decide to buy Android gadget for yourself, do not forget to take advantage of huge virtual market. Although some applications for communication from a certain price, it would be best to start downloading free application first in order to determine which ones really work for you. Most Android applications offered from time to time changes, so that any bug or glitch in the system will be fixed in due time.

The Android-Powered Samsung Galaxy S2 or the IOS-Powered iPhone 4S

These days, mobile phone manufacturers try to make each other. Every try to convince you that they offer the best possibilities of mobile technology has to offer. Therefore, you may get confused in all advertising. Maybe I do not know whether to go with Android Samsung Galaxy S2 and Apple iPhone 4S. Here you get to know more about the features in order to better decide which phone is right for you.

When it comes to processing power, both phones have more to offer. Apple's smartphone comes packed with a 1 GHz dual-core processor under the hood. Samsung handset sports the most popular 1.2 GHz dual-core processor. This will enable the smartphone to handle tasks more quickly than most phones on the market. It will also allow you to multi-task smoother than most.

Both phones come with the best cameras in the industry. Both sport an 8 megapixel camera that can record video in 1080p. This means that you get to enjoy more than high-definition video. Both handsets also comes with a secondary front kamera.IPhone 4S comes with a 1.3 megapixel camera and Samsung Galaxy S2 comes with a 2 megapixel camera. This will allow you to enjoy more of the video calls.

to enjoy more of the multi-media, two handsets come with high quality displays that will allow users to better watch their movies, recorded video, view photos, and browse the web site. Samsung smartphone comes with 4.3-inch AMOLED Super Plus screen sports a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. Apple phone comes with 3.5-inch display sports a resolution of the Retina 640 x 960 pixels.

When the software comes to mind, the iPhone 4S comes preinstalled with the latest iteration of IOS. It was shipped running IOS 5.Samsung Galaxy S2 is supplied with the system Gingerbread Android version when the latest Ice Cream Sandwich is scheduled to debut on the Nexus. Do not worry about not getting the most advanced software for Android has ponuditi.Sendvič Ice Cream update will be released for smartphones in the Korean tech giant soon.

When the software comes to mind, the iPhone 4S comes preinstalled with the latest iteration of IOS. It was shipped running IOS 5.Samsung Galaxy S2 is supplied with the system Gingerbread Android version when the latest Ice Cream Sandwich is scheduled to debut on the Nexus. Do not worry about not getting the most advanced software for Android has ponuditi.Sendvič Ice Cream update will be released for smartphones in the Korean tech giant soon.


When the software comes to mind, the iPhone 4S comes preinstalled with the latest iteration of IOS. It was shipped running IOS 5.Samsung Galaxy S2 is supplied with the system Gingerbread Android version when the latest Ice Cream Sandwich is scheduled to debut on the Nexus. Do not worry about not getting the most advanced software for Android has ponuditi.Sendvič Ice Cream update will be released for smartphones in the Korean tech giant soon.


Android Security Apps

Security is a hot topic recently when discussing the applications available on the Android platform. As the Android Market grows and grows, it is becoming more and more applications that pose a threat to the Android operating system. Recently, some applications have been removed from android market contain malware and raising concerns about the vulnerability of the operating system. This is mainly because of Android's open nature. However, because of the Android OS impressive, there are many security applications available that can prevent any damage from happening. Many of them are very similar in features and functionality. Some security options charging more than thirty dollars a year, it is important to research and decide on an app that can protect your Android and avoid wasting money.

An award-winning security app called Lookout Mobile Security. In addition to scanning for viruses, free version allows users to locate a lost phone on a map and send an alarm to give your exact location. It also provides basic backup for phone contacts and data. Easy to work in the background is always important to preserve battery life. If you are interested in premium edition for thirty dollars a year, users receive policy adviser, seamless data transfer and data wipe function, among other features.

AVG mobilization of the second primary security app for Android. While his free version has many similar features as a free app on the lookout list (the contents of the backup, phone location), they have their differences. For example, AVG offers the ability to remotely wipe and device lock, Lookout, which allows only the paid version. With one-time payment of about ten dollars, paid app also allows users to scan a text message immediately disclose anything that could be potentially harmful.

McAfee WaveSecure is available for around twenty dollars a year, but no anti-virus protection - a common feature in most security applications. However, it does provide some neat features. If WaveSecure tried to remove from the phone, the phone will be locked to prevent users from security breaches. Also, when Android is locked remotely, can be run to display a customizable message (phone number, address, etc.) that could prove vital if he lost.

Most of these applications allow users to password protect an application on Android. If you are looking for that ability without having to pay an annual premium rates, there are options available for a fraction of cost. App Protector Pro Perfect applock Pro, and application security are just some examples of applications available that will provide added protection from unwanted app users.

With the vast amount of personal information that may be contained in Android, coupled with the growing security threats, the importance of some form of security can not be stressed enough. Any anti-virus, or delete data is a primary concern, it is necessary to find a security application that suits your needs and protect your Android device.

5 Awesome Android GPS Apps

As the Android Market grew in popularity, many developers create useful programs. Even now, they have to constantly upgrade their version to the users attached to such applications. GPS is used in a limited time, large companies and large institutions, but with certain applications, you can enable the portable gadget to use the amazing technology of GPS.

It does not matter if you own a Smartphone or Tablet PC, the android has figured out already. For as long as you use Android as the operating system, your best option for downloading the GPS are endless. Using the GPS gadget, you are able to track a particular person or find a friend.

What GPS should you choose, then? There are free applications, and there are those who come with small price. Surely you can find hundreds of them in the Android Market, but here are the top 5:

1 Google Maps for navigation

Internet giant Google has invented many clever technologies, and Google Maps is definitely one of the best inventions yet. This program is available for Android version 1.6 and higher. Unlike other GPS applications, Google Maps allows you to look at sites using Street View or satellite imagery. You can also zoom in the map if you want a clearer and more precise view. Even if you are in the farthest corner of the world, you can never go wrong with Google Maps.

2 Loopt

This portable version of Android offers amazing features such as receiving notifications when a friend was spotted in a nearby village. You can also switch between map and satellite modes. With Loopt, you can share information through social media like Twitter, Facebook and MySpace.

3 Glympse

using the T-Mobile G1's GPS technology, colleagues Glympse users can identify your current residence, which can be shared with friends, family and colleagues. What makes this program tick is that it does not have to register or log in, so no need to add or share personal information. Adding friends is also not required. Glympse is quite safe, as well as review sites can be seen only 15 minutes to 4 hours.

4 Regional

Many people are raving about this request, because of its convenience and simplicity. Using your location, phone settings can be adjusted conveniently. Simple reminders, such as charging the battery and turning the phone on silent mode in cinemas are actually possible. It is ideal for people who tend to forget the little day-to-day things, as you can configure the gadget to do whatever you want.

5 The co-pilot

This is the perfect GPS for the jet setter and the occasional traveler. With the co-pilot, you can plan your route and approach charts, which can be downloaded to your gadget. If you have an SD card with more memory, can fit the entire North American map. In addition to its amazing features, the co-pilot is impressive, but user-friendly interface. This application also allows you to use voice alerts, you can use even while driving.

Google Honeycomb:A Review Of Google's New Android 3.O For Tablets

is the latest Android 3.0 mobile operating system created by Android Inc. Android is owned by Google in 2005. The concept is based on Android change the release of the Linux kernel. Google and other Open Handset Alliance members worked together to develop Android and Android pokretanje.Izvor Open Project (AOSP) is responsible for maintaining and even more the development of Android.

Android 3.0 is named Honeycomb and the latest version of the Android platform, which is particularly enhanced for products with larger screen sizes, especially tablets. It is fresh, real and virtual "holographic" interface design and an elegant, content-oriented interaction model.

is the first Honeycomb tablet on the market will be LG G-Slate and Motorola Xoom.

Google Honeycomb develops individuals actually love most about Android improved multitasking and rich in information, personalize your home screen, widgets, and more, and converts them into a vibrant, 3D experience and deeper interactivity, which makes them well-known and even and much better than prije.Platforma Android 3.0 consists of up-to-date set of regular programs that are created to be used on larger screen devices.

Honeycomb consists of a new online connectivity features that include the versatility and comfort for customers. Built-in support for Media / Photo Transfer Protocol allows users to instantly sync media files with a USB digital camera or PC, without having to turn on USB mass storage device.

Customers can also connect full key boards over USB or Bluetooth, for convenient text input environment. For enhanced Wi-Fi connectivity, a brand new combo scanning reduces scan times across bands and filters. New support for Bluetooth tethering indicate that several products can share a network interconnection of Android-powered devices.

Probably the most fascinating feature is turned on in the Android 3.0 Google's answer to Skype and FaceTime: Honeycomb GTalk.Android up-date consists of a video chat using GTalk. FaceTime and Skype just became a highly efficient new rival, and 2011 is set to host some video conferencing accounts.

The company also competes with the Kindle and Apple iBooks is the inclusion of eBook reader and download the Google Books. Google says it will probably be a "million books" get on the move, along with the page turn animation graphics. Needless to say, Apple is exactly what the iBooks, but a fantastic user interface, the program was naked and shops are very few publications.

popularity of Android applications have grown to such an extent that no company would want to leave customers without Android applications nadzora.Cut-throat competition has made every customer is really important for business. This means that it has become almost mandatory for businesses to get Android applications developed.

In addition, Google is challenging other such OS adoption maintenance cost at the lower end. Although the Windows OS licenses for such products cost about U.S. $ 50-60, Android comes with an attractive price tag of only $ 10. In addition to the software component, a significant difference from USD 30 between Intel and ARM processor is also a factor for players to invest in the Android platform for their tablet devices.

Android Apps Alert

Google has recently announced a series of related applications android that is downloaded from the android tržište.Broj a whooping 3 billion applications. It shows how Android users are located in the world and how the program makers are appropriate to their demands for innovative and creative applications for Android telefon.Broj would definitely move up to higher levels, however, with increasing free users and their seemingly never-ending demand for new applications.

There are sites such as that reviews new and updated applications every week in the Android Market. Subject to review is different every week because it's just too many applications for review in the Android Market. There are some really great program that is being reviewed this week about mobile banking and file synchronization with the print from the phone. These expanded capabilities of its Android phones are some really great application to take a closer look at.

new app in the Android game called Geocaching is going to rock your world. In this game you can leave a hidden treasure in a place that you and another person with the same program installed to try to find it. You are required to leave clues and GPS coordinates to help people find hidden treasures. The game's popularity is growing among many people who love adventure. You can get a group of friends or club together to play this game in the city or even in pustinji.Razina environmental problems is entirely up to you like you can set up their stage and trace levels of difficulty. This game is brought to the Android phone Garmin OpenCaching.Tvrtka designed the game to display the map with some points as clues as to where the hidden cache. You can tap on a point map to open another page which will inform you about the clues necessary to discover a hidden treasure. It's really a great application for those of you who love outdoor activities and adventures.

Another new application for the Android phone as an alternative to Google CloudPrint, Hewlett Packard has joined the competition with its new HP ePrint service. By using this service, you can download images, or select some of the Warehouse or any other information about the image container you android phone or other data sources can reach the remote print them on your home or office printer, or even any other public printer nearby. With this service, you can go to just about anyone who would be willing to let you print to a printer and print away.

Although the Bank of America is the only bank that offers a formal application for Android back in 2008, the rapid growth of the Android phone for the past few years has given many other banks have formal application services Android.BB & T had also joined the game now with its new official application service for Android, which offers services such as state of the viewer, account payments, the account to transfer money, a very handy feature to find your nearest BB & T ATMs and banks.

With all the new applications on Android Market, SugarSync updated their product application this week with the new AutoSync feature that will allow continued service to auto-tune for your mobile phone and cloud ormari.SugarSync itself is a program that allows you to upload files to the cloud and allowing access to them for other people via wireless devices. With this program, you can set your app to load a new picture taken, or any file that is stored on the SugarSync automatically.

Android Advertising - A New Booming Advertisement Method of Mobile Advertising

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These days, cell phone use has become a necessity and a common staple in our lives. With the growing popularity among consumers, people use mobile phones for different purposes than just communication. Mobile phones are used as a source of information, a variety of entertainment options for socializing svrhe.Nova series of Android-based phone launched a hot trend among consumers who use extended far beyond than just a regular mobile internet access.

This Android applications using the task of organizing and various other purposes, including mobile marketing. With a variety of useful advertising applications, Android applications for mobile advertising to encourage customers to click and learn more about the product or service. Today, Android is a leading company in mobile advertising, and helps thousands of traders to a number of potential customers through free advertising campaign.

Recently, the Android platform for mobile phones has become a popular mobile phone operating system in the world of advertising. On the basis of free and open source system software, free advertising campaigns can be easily implemented on different mobile devices on different networks that connect many users. While the Android platform is still considered to be in its infancy, its success around the world has opened a new era for its growth, while encouraging retailers to use these programs to advertise on a variety of handheld devices.

Fortunately, mobile advertising is supported from a variety of SEO Marketing leaders, including Google. Recently, based on consumer feedback and opinions of certain reports indicate that it is feasible and rapid way to advertise on the Android mobile ad format through the website. These ads are specially designed specifically for mobile browsers and work flawlessly as well as advertising ads on your computer browser.

Fortunately, mobile advertising is supported from a variety of SEO Marketing leaders, including Google. Recently, based on consumer feedback and opinions of certain reports indicate that it is feasible and rapid way to advertise on the Android mobile ad format through the website. These ads are specially designed specifically for mobile browsers and work flawlessly as well as advertising ads on your computer browser.


In addition to simple Android based ads, there are various types of multi-panel banners, as well. These banners can be animated more listings, together with the full screen, expandable ads, including some video files for advertising. Android offers a number of viable advertising options for users. Therefore, it is easy for users to choose any of the advertising opportunities for your business to advertise success among clients.

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