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truly tectonic changes in the way we use computers is happening right now, and I'll bet it happens within 30 meters of where you are, until you read this.
What is this shift? Powerful, portable, user-friendly mobile computing in the form of tablets touchscreen PC. You can bet that no matter where you are located in developed counties will be more than 30 feet from someone with your touch screen of some description.
And what is more, given the recent advances in hardware and software, these people actually May be able to use their devices for something useful!
See, it's all about the power .. and "consumption" to be more accurate
Early attempts at real mobile touchscreen computing are quite lacking sjaj.Windows operating system is used almost exclusively, while the touch screen support was added in later versions of the two major problems.
1) Windows desktop OS is a big power hungry monster ... ok so maybe it's a little harsh. But the truth is a thing that when combined with the Windows OS x86 platform is connected too, could not produce a slim, lightweight device that could:
a. Provide a decent video player, let alone play HD video.
B. Play any proper 3D game.
This meant that most early attempts were heavy, chunky hot plate processing power, or are completely under the drive and almost unusable.
2) Windows was never designed as an OS from the beginning of the touch screen for mobile devices. No matter how hard you tried he always believed that you are using OS, which was forced on the Tablet PC, and then had a touch screen support screw on like huge exhaust from your local driver discount center.
situation looked pretty awesome and it was set to continue this way until the first iPad hit the shelves.
Apple has created a masterpiece. By not using x86 platform (ARM risk processors are used instead) and OS design from the ground up, Apple has created a device that could do almost everything anyone could want on a mobile device.
You can browse the web, read your e-mail, watch a movie, almost everything the average user could want to do, they can now do on a handheld device which does not require its own portable nuclear reactor to power.
Moreover, the device is built to high standards and a user-friendly and easy to understand interface. It's almost as if the device actually wanted to use it. This is, of course, years ahead of previous attempts based on Windows.
The fact that this is not a small window would be a problem for just about anyone other than Apple. Apple has already had its "Apple Universe 'really happening and it could integrate the iPad into the universe. The universe has existed for years, without having to be compromised to work with Windows and the x86 (although granted Mac OS can work on x86 hardware ).
Ipad represented a way for Apple to hook people in svemir.IPod Apple, iPhone, these devices also have to hook people in the Apple universe.
for several years, IPAD is the choice for mobile touch screen device with a sleek front end and feel the quality.
iPad owes the success largely to the fact that the platform is sealed tightly controlled and polished product of an organization. The entire platform is tightly controlled by Apple's hardware spec, the OS build, and even to the extent that third-party applications to write it (via Control SDK with a refusal to support any other run time such as Adobe Flash).
But this is where the problems begin, this control ends up restricting the platform. There is a reason one of the iPads catch phrase is "there's an app for that." This is because there is the app for everything. If you want to watch BBC I-player, you can not do it via a browser, you must use App.Isto goes for ITV Catch Up service, among others.
you can use any browser-based flash games, and you can not access YouTube using the browser.
This control is also turning to software developers off the platform in recent years, although a significant income that people can make money writing software iPad is kept to check for a moment.
In this figure, it appears very likely a combination of one whose dull place could have predicted a few years ago, but the specific form could not be predicted.
years, I said that no one will ever break the dominance of Microsoft fight them head on. Apple has tried years ago and were heavily dented Microsoft's revenue. In fact, Apple probably helped Microsoft, giving Microsoft one to hold as an example of the competition every time you threatened collapse, because they are too big.
Any competitor would have to grow up in a parallel technology sector, and then combined with others in the same position to generate a 'critical mass' required to take on Microsoft in its dominant markets.
Well it's happening now, and who these new players ..? Google, Nvidia, and approximately one thousand manufacturers of all different sizes and shapes.
For several years, Nvidia is working on a new hardware platform called Tegra 2.Tegra platform has always been focused on mobile handheld devices with a slant on the video performance. However, after seeing the success of the iPad, and the potential for handheld touch screen computing Nvidia Tegra platform moved up several gears.
Nvidia teamed up with ARM to create ultra low power, yet powerful processing platforms.
Tegra platform 2 is basically a dual-core version of the iPad processor that is the advanced generation. In addition, it is combined with advanced graphics accelerator designed by Nvidia specifically for the platform, as well as other specially designed processor for processing tasks like HD video encoding / decoding.
as a hardware platform blows all previous attempts to Mobile touchscreen computing out of the water ... literally. This is so far ahead that if Tegra 2 platform participating in the Olympic race with other offerings (Windows X86 and Apple), then the case will be forced to test for performance enhancing drugs and have confirmed their gender.
Even iPad 2 can not compete with the raw power of the Tegra 2 devices.
Moreover, Tegra 3 is already completed design and is ready to go into production, and Tegra 4 is evident in the advanced design stage. Tegra 3 (quad-core anyone?) Going to Tegra 2 looks seriously underpowered (although it is not), and Tegra 4 seems to be verging on the edge of science fiction.
Well, certainly it is, then, any device based on the Tegra 2 platform is the best mobile phone goes and no one should bother buying something else? Well no, it's not quite that simple.
Why is not that easy? Well for starters Tegra 2, 3 and 4 are the only hardware platform, you have the software running on them.
These Google and Android OS coming in. .. increase oh Slayer Microsoft! (A little too far ahead of the curve on that prediction? Let's wait and see on that one then, but the potential is there ).
Android started as OS for mobile phones. So is designed (like the OS on the iPad) with as small a footprint as possible, a touch screen in mind. It is also very flexible, because it is designed to work on a large variety of devices.
Unlike the iPad OS is also very open, with the source code being released to the public (otherwise known as 'open source'). This flexibility is one major drawback, and a big upside.
On the downside Android OS is not as slick as the OS on the iPad. It's a little harder to use and always feels a little rougher. In some areas, even though it May be a bit slower to respond, even though the hardware is exceptionally superior when running on Tegra second
On the plus side, the openness of the large rockets strapped to the development of Android OS and the last two months lit the touch paper.
Now we see a large Android community is growing around the Tegra powered by Android devices from all manufacturers of ways. We will see some big game releases for Tegra + Android platform really soon (including more direct ports of PS3 titles), and there are quite a number of game studios that are backing Tegra + Android.
Moreover, there is a huge number of applications available for Android and iPad are now over their markets. You can be pretty sure that no mater which one you buy, there is an app to do everything you need to do app.
So what does all this mean? In order to fairly summarize the current state of mobile computing, the touch screen? Which player is best now? What is the most promising and future potential?
If you want to recommend the device for their parents who just want a quality device for browsing the web, read email and play solitaire on, tell them to go and get the iPad. Its ease of use, satisfactory quality and reliable performance just can not be beaten at this point.
If you're on a budget and want a powerful and flexible device, and you do not mind a few rough edges and then go and get Tegra 2 + Android 2.2 tablets such as Vega, Advent, or the point of view Mobi. If you are willing to do some reading and research what the Android community has to get the most from these devices (including custom software cyanogen ROM (Android 2.3) and resources as well) you'll end up with a device that is far more capable and polished by its price tag suggests.
If you do not want the iPad, but still want something with a true feeling of quality, then do not buy anything now. Wait until the next generation of Android 3.0 tablets properly released, and have for several months and then go and spend about 450 to one with a Tegra 2 chipset.
And if you want iPad 2 ..? I honestly can not think of any reason why you spend so much money on the iPad 2, seriously I can not. Unless they are just big Apple fan.
As for the future? Those of us old enough to remember the battle between Microsoft and Apple already know what's coming. I strongly predict that Apple will make the same mistakes all over again. They will put ideology "Apple Universe" and perfection as a goal for over openness, and they will get left behind in a race tablets.
For those who are too young to remember the Microsoft vs. Apple battle, watch this closely, and you're about to see history repeated.
This will be a great pity, because when it comes to ergonomics and ease of use Apple is currently ahead, although the lead reduced to a little each day.