Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Android and G1 - The Killer Combination

Analitičari su skeptični da li G1 može napraviti instant trag u iPhone tržišne dominacije, ali predviđaju da platforma ima puno budući potencijal.G1 predstavlja obećavajući početak, a Google ima džepove dovoljno duboko da outspend i natjecati sa svojim konkurentima. Dok G1 još uvijek nije dovoljno dobar da bi nadmašiti iPhone, Android platforma pokazuje ogroman rano obećanje.


Analitičari su skeptični da li G1 može napraviti instant trag u iPhone tržišne dominacije, ali predviđaju da platforma ima puno budući potencijal.G1 predstavlja obećavajući početak, a Google ima džepove dovoljno duboko da outspend i natjecati sa svojim konkurentima. Dok G1 još uvijek nije dovoljno dobar da bi nadmašiti iPhone, Android platforma pokazuje ogroman rano obećanje.


Analitičari su skeptični da li G1 može napraviti instant trag u iPhone tržišne dominacije, ali predviđaju da platforma ima puno budući potencijal.G1 predstavlja obećavajući početak, a Google ima džepove dovoljno duboko da outspend i natjecati sa svojim konkurentima. Dok G1 još uvijek nije dovoljno dobar da bi nadmašiti iPhone, Android platforma pokazuje ogroman rano obećanje.


It is rumble-in-the-jungle time for Apple, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are looking to expand their computer and Web dominance to mobile. Google launched its first mobile phone. The name Google G1 is set to compete with Apple iPhone and RIM BlackBerry. However, there are key differences in features and functions that will affect the T-Mobile customers in the United States and Europe to upgrade or switch to entice second prijevoznicima.Slušalica the first of several expected to use Google's phone system works, called Android.


It is rumble-in-the-jungle time for Apple, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are looking to expand their computer and Web dominance to mobile. Google launched its first mobile phone. The name Google G1 is set to compete with Apple iPhone and RIM BlackBerry. However, there are key differences in features and functions that will affect the T-Mobile customers in the United States and Europe to upgrade or switch to entice second prijevoznicima.Slušalica the first of several expected to use Google's phone system works, called Android.


Google phone today thinking "is not just a phone call, but access to the world's information" and that cell phones will be one of the most important ways to connect to the internet in budućnosti.Telefon may pose a threat to Apple's iPhone, iPod and iTunes, as well as Google G1 can download digital music from amazon.com. As a result, about six million tracks will be available on the G1, at the touch of a button.


Unlike the iPhone, Google has allowed developers to create free software for the handset. Although Apple does not let consumers download additional software, it is tightly controlled and many applications have to be paid for to.G1 will be available free to customers signing up for T-Mobile's £ 40 plus fees, which include unlimited data for web surfing.


Unlike the iPhone, Google has allowed developers to create free software for the handset. Although Apple does not let consumers download additional software, it is tightly controlled and many applications have to be paid for to.G1 will be available free to customers signing up for T-Mobile's £ 40 plus fees, which include unlimited data for web surfing.


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